Thursday, April 25, 2024

Agenda 4/29-5/3

   Agenda 4/29-5/3







English IV 1st Period

Work time for “The Kiss” and Historical Biography

Work time for “The Kiss” and Historical Biography

Independent Reading.

Reading log 14 due.

Work time for “The Kiss” and Historical Biography


“The Kiss” due.


8th English 2nd Period

Work time for The Outsiders Chapter 3 and WebQuest



Quotation Marks

The Outsiders Chapter 3 due.


Independent Reading.

Reading log 14 due.

Quotation Marks

Work time for The Outsiders Chapter 4 and WebQuest


Quotation Marks

The Outsiders Chapter 4 due.


8th English 3rd Period

Work time for The Outsiders Chapter 3 and WebQuest



Quotation Marks

The Outsiders Chapter 3 due.


Independent Reading.

Reading log 14 due.

Quotation Marks

Work time for The Outsiders Chapter 4 and WebQuest


Quotation Marks

The Outsiders Chapter 4 due.


English II

4th Period


Work time for Work time for To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 9-11 and Vocabulary 8-11.

Quotation Marks

Vocabulary 8-11 due.

To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 9-11 due.


Independent Reading.

Reading log 14 due.

Quotation Marks

Work time for Work time for To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 12-14 and Vocabulary 12-16.


Quotation Marks

To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 12-14 due.


English III

5th Period

Work time for Of Mice and Men Chapter 3 and process analysis essay.

Process Analysis peer reviews

Independent Reading.

Reading log 14 due.

Of Mice and Men Chapter 2 due.


Work time for Of Mice and Men Chapter 3 and process analysis essay.

Reminder – Process Analysis due Monday.

English III

7th Period

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 9-11 due.

Of Mice and Men Chapter 2 due.


To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 12-14 due.

Of Mice and Men Chapter 3 due.



Independent Reading.

Reading log 14 due.

Monday, April 22, 2024

To Kill a Mockingbird Text

 To Kill A Mockingbird - Full Text PDF - Google Docs

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 7&8


To Kill a Mockingbird

Chapters 7&8

1.     What has happened to Jem’s pants between the time he loses them and the time he gets them back?


2.     Why does Nathan Radley really put cement in the hole of his oak tree?


3.     Why does Jem cry at the end of Chapter Seven?



4.     Describe the process Jem and Scout have to go through to make a snowman.




5.     How do they make the snowman look less like Mr. Avery?



6.     Whose house catches fire?



7.     Who puts a blanket around Scout to keep her warm?

Of Mice and Men Chapter 1


Of Mice and Men

Chapter 1, Pages 1-16


1.       What are two animal images used to describe Lennie?


2.       Why does George tell Lennie not to drink the water? Why might this seem like an unusual instruction to give a man who has spent part of his adult life traveling the country?




3.       What does Lennie have in his pocket? Why does he want to keep it?



4.       Describe George’s plan for getting a job at the ranch? What do we learn about Lennie from this plan?


5.       How does Lennie’s desire for a touching sensation get him in trouble in Weed?





6.       Why does Lennie like George to tell the story of the ranch, even though he already knows it by heart? Why does George so readily agree to tell the story, even though he has just gotten angry with Lennie a few minutes before?




7.       Why does George tell Lennie to remember the spot where they are camping? What might this conversation foreshadow?

The Outsiders Chapter 2


The Outsiders

Chapter 2

1.     Which drive-in do Dally and the boys go to?


2.     How does Dally try to get the girls’ attention?


3.     How does Cherry react to his gestures?


4.     Why were the girls at the drive-in without a car?


5.     Why does Johnny get scared when Two-Bit shows up?


6.     Who, in Two-Bit’s opinion, fights dirtier, the Socs or the Greasers? Why?



7.     How are Cherry and Marcia different from each other?


8.     How does Cherry react to Ponyboy’s story of what happened to Johnny?



9.     Cherry say that “things are rough all over”, but what does Ponyboy think about the Socs’ lifestyle?