Monday, April 22, 2024

The Outsiders Chapter 2


The Outsiders

Chapter 2

1.     Which drive-in do Dally and the boys go to?


2.     How does Dally try to get the girls’ attention?


3.     How does Cherry react to his gestures?


4.     Why were the girls at the drive-in without a car?


5.     Why does Johnny get scared when Two-Bit shows up?


6.     Who, in Two-Bit’s opinion, fights dirtier, the Socs or the Greasers? Why?



7.     How are Cherry and Marcia different from each other?


8.     How does Cherry react to Ponyboy’s story of what happened to Johnny?



9.     Cherry say that “things are rough all over”, but what does Ponyboy think about the Socs’ lifestyle?