Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Outsiders WebQuest

1.    1.  The Author: Who was S.E. Hinton? When was The Outsiders first published? How old was the author when the novel was written?

S. E. Hinton Biography - family, childhood, story, school, young, son, book, old, information, born, drugs, husband (

2.  Fashion: What was fashion like in the 1960s? What is a madras shirt?

hRock 'n' Roll Style - Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the Ages (

saks-madras.jpg (450×757) (

3. Events: What was going on in the world in the 1960s? More specifically, what was going on in the United States?

4. Baby Boomers: What was the baby boom?

5. Music: What kind of music was popular in 1966? Who was Elvis Presley, Hank Williams and who were The Beatles?

Elvis: Why do you think the Greaser's enjoyed the music of Elvis? Do you think he influenced their fashion?

The Beatles: Why do you think the Socs' loved The Beatles? Watch the crowd in this video, do you see any fashion trends?

6. Television: What types of television shows were popular in the 1960s?

7. Movies: What is a drive-in? What is a Nightly Double?

8. Movie Stars: Who is Paul Newman? Who is Will Rogers?

9. Cars: Describe a Corvair and a Mustang.

10. Reform School: What is Reform School?

11. What was the DX?

12. Literature: Who wrote the story Great Expectations? What is it about?

13. Robert Frost: Who was Robert Frost? Copy the poem Nothing Gold can Stay. What do you think this poem is saying?